
2023-10-17 19:41:02

北京社_五年级英语下册单词列表、例句汇总北京社_五年级英语下册单词列表、例句汇总共包罗18个学习单元,64个单词。Lesson 1(3个单词)·*practice/''præktɪs/ / v.训练There''s a basketball practice every Friday evening.(每星期五晚上有篮球训练。)·read/ri:d/ / v.读,阅读Have you read this book?(你看过这本书吗?)·*textbook/''teks(t)bʊk/ / n.教科书,课本She wrote a textbook on international law.(她写了本国际法课本。

)Lesson 2(3个单词)他们已经是我们电视屏幕上的熟面貌了。·TV/ˌti: ˈvi:/ / abbr.电视They are already familiar faces on our TV screens.(他们已经是我们电视屏幕上的熟面貌了。)·talk/tɔːk/ / v.谈话,攀谈The child is learning to talk.(孩子正在学说话。)·*chess/tʃes/ / n.国际象棋Chess has long been regarded as a measure of intellect.(国际象棋恒久以来被认为是智慧的体现。

)Lesson 3(3个单词)我们一定要拍张照片!·photo/''fəʊtəʊ/ / n.相片,照片We must take a photo!(我们一定要拍张照片!)·picture/''pɪktʃə/ / n.照片;图片The sunset glow is just like a picture.(晚霞恰如一幅图画。)·have/həv;hæv/ / v.有;享受They have a son.(他们有一个儿子。)Lesson 5(5个单词)请按我的要求做。·*will(已往式would)/wɪl/ / aux.将,愿意You will do as I request, if you please.(请按我的要求做。

)·*different/ˈdɪfrənt/ / adj.差别的The badges come in twenty different colours and shapes.(这种徽章有20种差别的颜色和形状。)·*job/dʒɒb/ / n.事情I hate my job.(我讨厌我的事情。

)·*follow/''fɒləʊ/ / v.追随We followed him up the steps into a large hall.(我们随着他上楼来到一个很大的大厅。)·listen/''lɪs(ə)n/ / v.听Listen,somebody is beating at the door.(听,有人在敲门。)Lesson 6(3个单词)我们经常种树。·plant/plɑːnt/ / n.植物We often plant trees.(我们经常种树。

)·up/ʌp/ / prep.向上They were climbing up a narrow mountain road.(他们正沿一条狭窄的山路向上爬。)·*carry/''kærɪ/ / v.搬运;携带He was carrying a briefcase.(他提着公牍包。)Lesson 7(5个单词)这车一点毛病也没有。·*nothing/''nʌθɪŋ/ / pron.没有一样;没有工具There is nothing wrong with the car.(这车一点毛病也没有。

)·*earth/ɜːθ/ / n.地球We only have one earth,so we should do all we can to protect her.(我们只有一个地球,所以我们应该竭尽所能去掩护她。)·*without/wɪˈðaʊt/ / prep.没有,无They had gone two days without food.(他们两天没吃工具了。)·sun/sʌn/ / n.太阳;阳光The sun was shining.(阳光照耀。

)·their/ðeə/ / pron.他们的;她们的;它们的This is their whole family.(这是他们一家子。)Lesson 9(3个单词)在阳光的照射下,森林看上去十分漂亮。·*forest/''fɒrɪst/ / n.森林The forest looked beautiful in the sun.(在阳光的照射下,森林看上去十分漂亮。)·*make use of/ 使用;使用We should train them to make use of reference books.(我们应训练他们学会使用参考书。

)·*wood/wʊd/ / n.木头;木料The wood is manufactured into fine cabinetwork.(木料被制成精致的家具。)Lesson 10(3个单词)·*example/ɪg''zɑːmp(ə)l; eg-/ / n.实例,例子I say so by way of example.(我这样说只是举例而已。

)·tomato/tə''mɑːtəʊ/ / n.西红柿I want some tomatoes and eggs.(我想要一些西红柿和鸡蛋。)·*carrot/''kærət/ / n.胡萝卜Bring some carrots in from the garden,so we can cook dinner.(从菜园拔一些胡萝卜来,这样我们就可以做晚饭了。)Lesson 11(5个单词)爸爸,请把玉米递给我。·*corn/kɔːn/ / n.玉米Dad, pass me the corn, please.(爸爸,请把玉米递给我。

)·*nut/nʌt/ / n.坚果Squirrel likes to eat nut.(小松鼠喜欢吃坚果。)·*else/els/ / adj.此外;其他的You can ask somebody else.(你可以去问其他人。)·*both/bəʊθ/ / adv.都Both sides have benefited from the talks.(双方都从谈判中获益。

)·travel/''træv(ə)l/ / v.旅行I want to travel.(我想去旅行。)Lesson 15(6个单词)他们有一个儿子。·*son/sʌn/ / n.儿子They have a son.(他们有一个儿子。

)·sister/''sɪstə/ / n.姐姐;妹妹My sister is also my best friend.(我姐姐也是我最好的朋侪。)·eighteen/eɪ''tiːn; ''eɪtiːn/ / num.十八I am eighteen years old.(我十八岁了。)·*lovely/''lʌvlɪ/ / adj.可爱的The baby had lovely eyes.(宝宝有一双可爱的眼睛。

)·kid/kɪd/ / n.小孩The little kid likes to play in the park.(这个小孩喜欢在公园里玩耍。)·seven/''sev(ə)n/ / num.七Seven Dwarfs.(七个小矮人。)Lesson 16(3个单词)·*niece/niːs/ / n.外甥女;侄女I bought my niece a lot of stationery.(我给我的侄女买了许多文具。)·*nephew/''nefjuː; ''nevjuː/ / n.外甥;侄子My nephew is a naughty boy.(我侄子是个淘气的男孩。

)·*daughter/''dɔːtə/ / n.女儿Don''t pamper your little daughter.(别把你的小女儿娇坏了!)Lesson 17(3个单词)有些人似乎从来都是幸运的。·*lucky/''lʌkɪ/ / adj.幸运的Some people seem to be always lucky.(有些人似乎从来都是幸运的。

)·often/''ɒf(tə)n/ / adv.经常I am often late in the morning.I love sleeping.(早上我经常迟到,我太爱睡觉了。)·*same/seɪm/ / adj.同一的,相同的All circles have the same shape.(所有圆的形状都是相同的。)Lesson 19(3个单词)他最终实现了成为一名航行员的梦想。·*pilot/''paɪlət/ / n.航行员He had finally accomplished his dream of becoming a pilot.(他最终实现了成为一名航行员的梦想。

)·*should/ʃəd; strong form ʃʊd/ / aux.应该,可以When you are working,you should sit up straight.(事情时,你应该挺身坐直。)·study/''stʌdɪ/ / v.学习,念书The study is furnished as it was before.(书房的陈设依旧未变。)Lesson 20(3个单词)警员在执勤的时候戴着蓝帽子。

·cap/kæp/ / n.帽子Police wear a blue cap when on duty.(警员在执勤的时候戴着蓝帽子。)·birthday/''bɜːθdeɪ/ / n.生日Hey,it''s my Birthday!Let''s celebrate.(嘿,今天是我的生日!让我们庆祝一下。)·*teach/tiːtʃ/ / v.讲,教学It feels rewarding to teach young children.(教小孩子们感受很是很有收获的。

)Lesson 21(3个单词)·*engineer/endʒɪ''nɪə/ / n.工程师He is a master engineer.(他是个熟练的工程师。)·exercise/''eksəsaɪz/ / v.磨炼;训练Exercise is conducive to good health.(体育磨炼有助于增强体质。)·*build/bɪld/ / v.修建,制作A monument will be erected in this town.(该都会将制作一座纪念碑。

)Lesson 23(3个单词)我太激动了。·*excited/ɪk''saɪtɪd/ / adj.激动的,兴奋的I was so excited.(我太激动了。

)·hour/''aʊə/ / n.小时That clock''s an hour fast.(谁人钟快了一个小时。)·email/''iːmeɪl/ / n.电子邮件I''ll email her the documents.(我将用电邮把这些文件发送给她。

)Lesson 24(2个单词)这场戏我们还没有恣意浏览就竣事了。·*enjoy/ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ / v.享受……兴趣The play was over before we would fully enjoy it.(这场戏我们还没有恣意浏览就竣事了。

)·*exciting/ɪk''saɪtɪŋ; ek-/ / adj.使人激动的He was enthralled by the exciting story.(那激感人心的故事使他听得入神了。)Lesson 25(5个单词)她是著名歌手,有许多粉丝。

·*famous/''feɪməs/ / adj.著名的,着名的She is a famous singer and has many fans.(她是著名歌手,有许多粉丝。)·its/ɪts/ / pron.它的I was astounded by its beauty.(它的漂亮震撼了我。)·*beach/biːtʃ/ / n.海滩The waves splashed on the beach.(海浪飞溅到海滩上。

)·*sea/siː/ / n.海洋The sea calmed down.(海上风浪平息了。)·*camera/''kæm(ə)rə/ / n.照相机This camera is too dear.(这架照相机太贵了。)《北京社_五年级英语下册》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并公布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供尺度的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。


